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Invisible Floating Books Shelves Ideas

Perhaps you've seen this amazing invention more than once. Invisible shelves allow you to keep books on the wall in an unusual horizontal form, but it seems that they are "hovering in the air." It looks so unusual that many would like to acquire such a laconic and original gadget.
With what design models did it all start? Where to buy them? How to use it correctly? Is it possible to economically save money? All this is in our review. You will see 5 different variants of the invisible shelves from two design studios.
By the way, if you have few books, you can place decor on such original shelves. See our review, study the options and make for your interior such an original gift!

In the meantime, let's return to the ready solutions.
Look, is not this your situation? Books that do not fit on the shelves (or read at the moment) stacks piled up on the floor:

Yes, the lack of extra furniture - the right move. Especially for small apartments and rooms. But there is something better - amazing invisibility shelves.
You can, of course, start a review with models from the catalogs of stores. But, we think, you will be interested to see how invisible shelves for books look in the interiors of real apartments.
Among them there are factory ones (from the stores Umbra, Amazon, Gnomo - details below), and those made by the hands of home masters (and soon you will learn to do the same!).
Please note, all such unusual shelves can be divided into 2 categories:
  • "Local islets" and
  • vertical racks (see below in the section on shelves from the design studio "Díez + Díez").
However, when they are filled with books, fastenings are not visible either to those or to others, which allows them to be called "invisible."

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