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How to use the orange color in the interior of a child's room?

Spring beriberi causes snatch all look the brightest, if your brain is trying to wake up from a long hibernation. So it's time to take a break from the Scandinavian coolness and plunge into the tropical world of rich colors: tangerine, peach, apricot, coral, etc. All these shades of orange, whose names speak for themselves! The very definition of orange comes from the French word for orange - "orange". No accident that positive emotional and orange color often used in the interior of the nursery. Like fortified orange he charges us with solar energy and significantly improves mood. Even just looking at this bright photo collection, you will certainly feel a rush of energy and also want to add orange paint the interior of your home, or maybe just eat an orange.,

 The main question that immediately arises: what colors combined with orange? And here there is a large variety of options.Illustrative examples of color combinations is better to take from nature to experience the natural beauty of them. Look at this golden fish in the blue sea - feel delight and surprise from solar reflections in the water! The same feeling we get in the baby's room with orange curtains and blue elements in the decoration of walls or textiles. Overall neutral background can be white, beige or slightly grayish. It balances the slightly opposite elements of fire and water, make peaceful and joyful space nursery. And by the way, is perfect for both girls and boys.

 In the wake of the popularity of gray palette appear quite unusual combinations with orange. Cool interior nursery immediately warmed, if you add a few bright orange hue accessories: pillows, table lamp, painting, chair, rug. It takes two, three parts, so as not to disturb the integrity and maintain a specific style. You can paint one wall in orange color or create a vivid mosaic of several shades. Original and fashionable lately decision - striped wall in the nursery. Illustrative examples you see in the picture below. It should be noted that the bands are repeated on other elements of interior design: striped blanket, striped upholstery chairs, etc. Naturally, there will be no appropriate flowers and bunnies. In such a restrained but rhythmic comfortable interior will live boy of any age - from toddler to teenager.

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